How To Fix XDefiant Can’t Connect to Server Issues
Last Update: 06/13/2024

XDefiant Overview

XDefiant is a fast-paced, team-based multiplayer first-person shooter developed by Ubisoft. Set in a near-future world, the game features intense 6v6 matches with objective-based gameplay. Players choose from a diverse roster of characters, known as Defiants, each with unique abilities and customizable loadouts. XDefiant incorporates elements from various Ubisoft game universes, allowing players to align with factions like Ghost Recon, Splinter Cell, and The Division. With extensive customization options and a focus on strategic gameplay, XDefiant aims to provide an accessible and inclusive multiplayer experience.

Although XDefiant is an excellent game, it obtained some negative comments due to the issue that XDefiant lost connection to the server. If you are annoyed and frustrated by XDefiant losing connection to the server, this article will give you the best solution.

Part 1. XDefiant Server Locations

XDefiant server locations revealed by Producer Mark Rubin. But Ubisoft's XDefiant Faced Server and Matchmaking Issues on Launch Day, you can continue reading below to learn how to solve the problem of server failure and the detailed steps for changing region server in game. 

xdefiant server locations

Part 2. How to Fix XDefiant Server Disconnection on PC

Are you frustrated with constant server disconnections while playing XDefiant on your PC? Don't worry; you're not alone. Many players encounter server issues that can disrupt their gaming experience. In this guide, we'll explore common causes of XDefiant server disconnections and provide practical solutions to fix them.

Use LagoFast Game Booster to Fix Gaming Connection Issues

LagoFast is the easiest and the most convenient choice for gamers to fix XDefiant lost connection to the server because it has many features that can solve the above causes that lead to XDefiant server disconnection. For example, LagoFast can effectively reduce the high ping value and provide multiple servers to choose from. It can also maintain a stable network connection and automatically remove unnecessary background applications. These features can effectively solve XDefiant server down based on ultimate reasons. The detailed functions and features of LagoFast are as follows.

  • Change region servers quickly
  • XDefiant FPS reduction
  • Avoid crashing by improving the network connection
  • Multiple XDefiant servers to choose from provided
  • Automatically remove unnecessary background applications
  • XDefiant Lag issues fixed
  • An accurate real-time ping test performed
  • High ping reduced

Detailed Tutorials To Fix Server Disconnection XDefiant on PC:

LagoFast now offers users a free trial download. Therefore, gamers can take advantage of this opportunity immediately. Here is a detailed tutorial on how to use LagoFast.

Step 1: Download LagoFast and sign in.

Free Download

Step 2: Before you start running XDefiant, you should search for it in LagoFast. Then you will find the FPS Boost button on the left, you can firstly click the Game Boost button to explore more features.

Fix XDefiant Server Disconnection on PC

Step 3: Click on Select Server so you can choose the right server that will allow XDefiant to connect stably, then click on the Node on the right, you can also select the best Node for XDefiant.

can't connect to XDefiant Server fix

Step 4: By clicking the Smart Boost button, you can see the specific Game ping, Packet Loss and Network Type on the right side. Finally, click the Start Game button to start XDefiant.

can't connect to XDefiant Server fix

You may like: Change XDefiant Server For Solving Queue Problem >

For PlayStation 5 or Xbox users, LagoFast Box is a great choice. It's the hardware version of LagoFast Game Booster, delivering the same benefits: Get no lag and lower ping in Console games. It supports all console devices and offers a simple connection process via a mobile app for one-click boosting. Additionally, it includes WiFi expansion capabilities, allowing you to connect less critical devices and ease the load on your main router.

So, let's check out the steps to use the LagoFast Box as a NetWork Optimizer:

Buy Now >

Part 3. Why XDefiant Can’t Connect to the Server

If you have a clear understanding of the reasons why XDefiant can’t connect to the server, you would know why LagoFast is the best solution. The reasons are as follows, all of them can be solved by LagoFast. 

1. Server Overload or Capacity

During peak hours or when there is a high volume of players attempting to connect, the game servers may become overloaded. This can result in XDefiant losing connection to the server as the servers struggle to handle the increased traffic.

2. Internet Connection Problems

Connectivity problems can arise due to issues with the player’s own internet connection. These issues may include network congestion, a weak Wi-Fi signal, or problems with the player’s internet service provider (ISP). An unstable or bad internet connection will have a bad impact on XDefiant server status and easily lead to XDefiant server down.

3. Computer Resources Consumption

Background apps or processes that consume a significant amount of resources can strain the system’s processing power, this can affect XDefiant’s ability to establish a stable connection with the game server. Finally, it will potentially cause XDefiant to lose connection to the server.

4. Persistent High Ping

High ping itself does not directly cause XDefiant server down. However, persistent high ping or unstable ping can have a bad impact on XDefiant server status in some cases. For example, game servers often have timeout settings to manage connections. If your high ping causes your connection to exceed the server’s timeout threshold, the server may terminate your connection, resulting in XDefiant losing connection to the server.


Dealing with XDefiant server disconnections on your PC can be frustrating, but with the right troubleshooting steps in this article, you can often resolve these issues and get back to enjoying uninterrupted gameplay. Try LagoFast for a stable connection!