Full List of MW3 Multiplayer Maps: A Guide for Victory
Last Update: 12/05/2023

In the explosive world of Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 (MW3), mastery of maps is the key to triumph on the virtual battlefield. Whether you're a seasoned veteran or a fresh recruit, understanding the nuances of each map, game mode, and multiplayer setting is crucial for success. In this comprehensive guide, we embark on a journey through the varied landscapes of MW3, offering a complete list of maps, and map-specific tips and tricks, and also share information about the MW3 map apps.

Part 1: Complete List of MW3 Maps

Part 2: Map-Specific Tips to Win on Favela and Rust

Part 3: MW3 Maps Apps

Complete List of MW3 Maps

MW3, a game that has withstood the test of time, presents a diverse selection of maps tailored to different playstyles and game modes, such as the heart-pounding intensity of Search and Destroy or the expansive battlegrounds of Ground War. Immerse yourself in the core 6v6 maps, meticulously designed for intense and balanced encounters. Alternatively, venture into the larger-scale arenas that redefine the scope of warfare in MW3, reflecting the innovation of Sledgehammer Games in this 2023 installment.

Here is a detailed breakdown of all multiplayer maps in MW3, encompassing core 6v6 maps, Ground War maps, and War Mode maps.

MW3 all maps

All Core Multiplayer Maps

Below is a complete list of all multiplayer maps in MW3:

  • Afghan
  • Derail
  • Estate
  • Favela
  • Karachi
  • Highrise
  • Invasion
  • Quarry
  • Rundown
  • Rust
  • Scrapyard
  • Skidrow
  • Sub Base
  • Terminal
  • Underpass
  • Wasteland
  • Farm 18
  • Mercado
  • Shoot House

All Ground War Maps in MW3

Below is a list of all Ground War maps in MW3:

  • Levin Resort
  • Orlov Military Base
  • Popov Power

All War Mode Maps in MW3

  • Spearhead

Map-Specific Tips to Win on Favela and Rust

As we delve into specific tips for Favela and Rust, we aim to uncover the winning tactics for these maps, ensuring you dominate every corner of the virtual battlefield.

Tips for Favela

Tips for playing on Favela

1. Constant Movement:

  • Stay agile to evade becoming an easy target.
  • Keep a vigilant eye on windows and rooftops for potential threats.

2. Exploit Hiding Spots:

  • Skillfully navigate hidden paths by climbing through windows and stairs.
  • Stick to the outer edges for safer observation while learning the map.

3. Roof Advantage:

  • Master rooftop access for strategic vantage points.
  • Look down through alleys for potential targets, but stay alert to opponents seeking high ground.

Tips for Rust

Tips for playing on Rust

1. Extreme Run and Gun Style:

  • Equip a versatile SMG, such as the Striker.
  • Constantly slide and use tactical sprint for dynamic movement.
  • Explore the map's exterior, utilizing early routes and sliding under structures for unpredictability.

2. Embrace the Chaos:

  • Enjoy the fast-paced and thrilling gameplay inherent in Rust's compact design.
  • Stay on the move, adapting to the chaotic nature of engagements.

3. Strategic Scaling of Structures:

  • Experiment with scaling the central structure for advantageous sniping positions.
  • Exercise caution and adapt your approach to counter opponents using elevated positions.

4. Counter Prone Ambushes:

  • Beware of opponents using prone positions to catch players off guard.
  • Stay alert and be prepared to counteract prone attackers in subsequent encounters.

5. Hectic Spawn Management:

  • Be consistently ready for unpredictable spawns near enemies.
  • Swiftly adapt to engage foes, strategically utilizing surprise opportunities.
  • Be prepared for immediate retaliation, ensuring a prompt response to spawn encounters.

Bonus: If you meet any frustrating lag issues on your favorite gaming maps, you can give LagoFast a try, which supercharges your gameplay through unparalleled lower ping and lag reduction.

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MW3 Maps Apps

Activision has unveiled mobile apps for Elite Members on both Android and iTunes platforms. The app allows you to assess your Career Summary, providing details on the multiplayer games you've participated in. It offers an in-depth analysis of your progress, highlighting both your strengths and areas for improvement. Additionally, you can conveniently view and edit your custom classes on the go. The app also enables you to review recent matches, providing a performance breakdown on a per-match basis. While the iOS app is already available, Android users eagerly await its release, though there are currently no plans for a Windows Phone version.


In conclusion, as you embark on your MW3 journey, armed with a profound understanding of the maps and expert strategies, remember that adaptability and continuous improvement are the hallmarks of a true MW3 strategist. Whether you're dominating Favela's vibrant streets or embracing the chaos of Rust, let the knowledge gained here be your guide to triumph. May your footsteps echo across the MW3 maps, leaving a legacy of victories in your wake. Good luck, soldier!


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