Best Way to Fix Final Fantasy XIV Lag & Stuttering on PC
Last Update: 05/24/2023

Final Fantasy XIV is a massively multiplayer online role-playing game set in the world of Eorzea. It features a blend of traditional MMO mechanics and Final Fantasy storytelling, with a focus on cooperative play. Final Fantasy XIV offers a deep and engaging MMO experience with a dedicated fan base and regular content updates. But, recently, some gamers encountered unpleasant and annoying FFXIV lag, and this article will be dedicated to solving it.

Why is Final Fantasy XIV So Laggy?

This article will explain the main reasons that lead to Final Fantasy XIV lag before going into the quick solutions. It would be beneficial for customers to get a deep understanding for these reasons before ultimately solving FFXIV lagging. The following are the main reasons that result in FFXIV lag.

  • Unstable Internet Connection

Having a stable and reliable internet connection is essential to ensure a seamless online gaming experience. If your internet connection is slow or unstable, FFXIV lagging will occur.

  • Server congestion

In some cases, especially at peak times like night or weekend, it turns out that many gamers tend to log in FFXIV and play this game at that time. Finally, this will lead to server congestion then players would encounter FFXIV lagging easily.

  • Device specification requirement

Occasionally, when players find FFXIV lagging but the internet is fine, this probably originated from unmatched specification requirements. Meeting the specific system requirements of Final Fantasy XIV is crucial, as failure to do so can result in FFXIV lagging.

  • Intensive background apps

They may forget that they have already launched too many background apps or processes when they think about how to reduce lag in FFXIV. The FFXIV lagging can be caused if you run resource-intensive applications or have background processes running simultaneously.

  • Graphics Settings

Too fine Graphics settings of FFXIV will easily make FFXIV lagging occur even if the internet is fine. This is mainly because some PCs haven't enough high-quality CPU to run FFXIV in high graphics settings. At last, this will result in  FFXIV lagging.

  • Distance to server

The distance between your location and the game servers can have an impact on FFXIV lagging. When you are located far away from the game server, it can lead to FFXIV lagging but the internet is fine. It would be helpful if you check your real location and server location before considering how to reduce lag in FFXIV.

How to Reduce Lag in Final Fantasy XIV

As we already have a clear understanding of the reasons why final fantasy is so lagging, it’s the optimal moment to know the quick solutions about how to reduce lag in FFXIV. Although there are many solutions to prevent FFXIV lagging, the most recommended one would be LagoFast.

Primarily, LagoFast can help gamers to choose the right server and node more accurately, which is effective to prevent FFXIV lagging. Moreover, LagoFast has many other outstanding features like reducing high ping and boosting FPS that are also beneficial for solving FFXIV lag. Now, LagoFast offers users a free trial download. Gamers can try to use it immediately. Here is a detailed tutorial on how to use LagoFast.

LagoFast - Best Lag Reducer for FFXIV

Step 1: Access the official website of LagoFast and click on Free Trial Download.

Free Trial

Step 2: Before you start running Final Fantasy XIV, you should search for it in LagoFast;

Step 3: Click on Select Server so you can choose the right server that will allow Final Fantasy XIV to connect stably, then click on the Node on the right, you can also select the best Node for Final Fantasy XIV.

Step 4:By clicking the Smart Boost button, you can see the specific Game ping, Packet Loss and Network Type on the right side. Finally, click the Start Game button to start Final Fantasy XIV.

For gamers who are thinking about how to reduce lag in FFXIV but don’t want to use LaogFast,  the following solutions can also be useful for you to fix FFXIV lagging. But it might be more time-consuming and complicated.

  • It is advisable to check your internet speed, using a wired connection instead of Wi-Fi, and minimize other bandwidth-consuming activities while playing to optimize your gaming experience.
  • Try to play FFXIV during less busy times to avoid server congestion.
  • Verify whether your computer meets the minimum or recommended system requirements for the game, and if necessary, upgrade your hardware to prevent FFXIV lagging.
  • Close unnecessary programs and applications to free up PC resources for the game.
  • If you think about how to reduce lag in FFXIV. You can lower graphics quality and disable unnecessary features such as shadows and anti-aliasing if your PC is struggling to handle them.
  • Try to make your FFXIV server location consistent with your real location.


The Final Fantasy XIV lag has a terrible impact on the gameplay experience, the main reasons are an unstable internet connection, server congestion and intensive background apps and so on. It is recommended that gamers first try to use LagoFast which would be more effective and efficient to solve this issue ultimately. Of course, other alternative solutions can also be picked up.

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